Holistic Hauora
A holistic approach to wellbeing acknowledges that our overall wellness is multifaceted and includes social, physical, mental and spiritual elements. More and more research is beginning to emerge acknowledging the links between these facets and our overall levels of happiness. Below are some tips for maximizing your wellbeing.
Sleep hygiene
Sleep hygiene refers to our environmental and behavioral practices for good sleep. Below are some tips that you can try to help improve your sleep quality:
Try not to nap during the day
Have a bed time routine including going to sleep at the same time every day
Try not to watch TV or use your phone one hour before bed
Limit caffeine/ coffee intake especially in the afternoons
Have a regular exercise routine
Set aside some time to write down your worries earlier in the day (see journal template in article below). Alternatively talk to someone you trust about them
Practice a mindfulness, distraction, or breathing exercise before bed. Click here for a link to meditative music.
There are also sleep tracking apps available on the market. Sleep Cycle for example, is programmed to wake you up when you are in the lightest phase of sleep. This allows you to feel more rested and alert in the morning.
Nutrition, connection, and exercise
There is increasing evidence to show that regular exercise can help improve your mood, self esteem and confidence. Try finding an activity that you enjoy and make a plan to exercise regularly.
There is also evidence to show that eating a wholesome, balanced diet can have a large effect on your mental health. Try and limit the amount of unhealthy foods you consume on a regular basis.
Top tip: the "Berocca" supplement has been shown to have a range of mental health benefits in several research studies.
Stay connected to the important people in your life. People are relational beings. The quality of our relationships greatly influences our mental health.

journaling for mental health
What is journaling? It is simply writing down your thoughts and feelings in order to understand them more clearly. If you struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety; keeping a journal can be a great idea. It can help you to gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health. Not everyone likes to write. Drawing or writing lyrics can be just as therapeutic!
It can also be helpful to include some mindfulness as part of your daily journaling ritual. Attached below (pdf) is a template which may be used to help facilitate this process. Print these off, and fill one out each day!
In addition, here are some prompts to try for self esteem journaling:
·What are the most beautiful parts of me? What am I proud of?
·What do I need to let go of right now to love myself more?
·What is stopping me from asking for help?
·What do I need to stop doing right now to show myself love?
·When do I feel the most joy and how can I get more in my life?
·What would my dream life look like? Dream BIG!
·What are some of the biggest challenges I have overcome?